Thursday, December 30, 2010


Hello, F.O.T.E.'s,
Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season.  We have had a really nice time this year.  Reid was off work more than usual, so we got to do a little more visiting than we do most years.  We're looking forward to kicking off a new year tomorrow night.  Planning to make homemade pizzas, mulled cider, popcorn (with special seasonings, thanks to a Christmas gift from a family member!)...then, New Year's Day will bring breakfast casserole (thanks to a recipe from the aforementioned family member! Thanks, J!) and then later in the day pinto beans, turnip greens, cornbread and sweet tea.  Yes, I know we're supposed to be having blackeyed peas, but pintos are our favorite legume, lol. 
   I'm sure some of you are wondering about my "state of mind" regarding the events of this past year, namely the death, then birth of William.  I'm really not feeling the groove of writing about that right now, but suffice it to say that every day brings a pang of memory and loss...and I love him so dearly and miss him so much.  This year ended for me on May 14.  From then till now, there have been some sweet blessings--moving into our fabulous new house, a second honeymoon that was waaaay better than the first, children's birthdays and special days--but still there has been that everpresent ache. the urging of my daughter and others, I will start writing again.  If you are curious about Will, please send me a message.  I would love to talk to you about him...but, I think I'll write about some other things for a while....
That said....I'm hoping to begin a new weekly Ewe's Gnus feature:  Try It Tuesday!  (applause, applause)  I have realized of late that, though I *love* cooking, my menus had become very boring and repetitive.  I also realized I hadn't been trying new recipes routinely for months.  Not cool.  So, this past Tuesday, I pulled out an untried recipe and unleashed it on the family.  I will post the recipe and the review this coming Tues, Jan. 4, Lord willing  (and I don't forget, LOL).
   Until then, have a blessed New Year and don't forget to...

Keep your wool dry!

The Ewe