Monday, July 18, 2005

Another Day at The Fold

Hello, F.O.T.E.s!
Well, another day under our belt here at The Fold. The Ram's deployment is over halfway done. I'll admit, though, that since we topped the hill, the roller coaster has slowed down. I mean, time seems to be creeping along for us now. The Ram, on the other hand, is really busy right now. That's good for him--makes time pass faster. And when the temperature is 122 degrees outside, it's good for time to pass fast!!! LOL He told me he hasn't gotten sunburned because you can't stay in the heat long enough for the sun to burn your skin. OUCH! What a harsh place.
We're surrounded by green here. It has rained for 2 solid weeks here. Thanks, in part, to Hurricane Dennis. Now, Hurricane Emily is churning out in the Gulf. Don't' expect we'll see any effect from her. She's aimed more toward TX, from what I heard last.
Oh, Friends. I miss my hubby. Sometimes I just wear down. I must remember, though, that we are so blessed. We have very regular contact with The Ram...not all soldiers have that luxury. Golly, though...a year is a long time.
Let's see...on the menu today was chicken, broccoli and cheese casserole--very yummy. We also made pumpkin bars--a recipe I made up. They're very good!!!! And, outside the 18 pounds of sugar, good for you! LOL Ok, so it's really just a cup of sugar...I guess that's not bad, spread out over the whole pan. May have to tweak the recipe and see what I can do to reduce the sugar content. Why didn't anyone ever tell me how nutritious pumpkin is?!? A whole lot of vitamin A and fiber. Beta's good stuff. You oughta go buy a can and make muffins or something. LOL
Well, I'm a tired ol' ewe. I'm gonna go lay my carcass down and catch a few winks...y'all keep your wool dry!
The Ewe

Quote of the Day:
Horse sense is the thing a horse has
that keeps it from betting on people.

~W.C. Fields~


Lisa-Anne said...

Hi sweetie!
I love *ewe*! :)
We're praying for you.
By the way, we're big pumpkin fans over here. I make everything from pumpkin soup to muffins to biscotti to pancakes! Thats right, pumpkin pancakes!
Do you want some recipes?
I use honey in my pumpkin muffins, and cut way down on the sugar. :) I'd love to hear about your pumpkin bars! Oh, btw, in case you want "comfort" food and don't care about the added sweetness, WHITE-Chocolate Chips go SOOOO well with pumpkin in muffins, bars, dessert breads, etc. Ghiradelli's makes some awesome ones. :)
I wish I were there so we could have a cuppa tea and a cozy chat! *hugs*

Amy Hall said...

Yum, yum LA!!! C'mon over...we'll have a cuppa... :-) Sigh...BTW...saw a rainbow yesterday and thought of you.