Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Ladybugs, Ladybugs Fly Away Home...

...the sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in, wait...that's the wrong nursery rhyme...
Well, hello, F.O.T.E.s. I just got finished washing my hands in the bathroom (the one we call "The Girls' Room"). Just how hard *is* it to drown a ladybug, anyway? Or just to kill them, in general? They came in swarms back at the beginning of fall, and just keep on coming. The really fun part is *where* they come in--the window in my bedroom. And the head of my bed is up against said window. I have nightmares about pulling ladybugs out of my ear canal or nostril. Or nests of them in my long hair. I have pulled them out of Tiny Tot's hand...on its way to his mouth. I usually have one on my pillow when I go to bed. They float in my bedside-table glass of water. I listen to them ping around in the light fixture at night. They really irritate me. Have ladybugs always been as aggressive as these are? I don't remember them ever getting into the house where I grew up. I think these are heavy on the "bug" and light on the "lady," because a real lady wouldn't stay where she wasn't welcome...and, buddy, these are *not* welcome. Maybe I ought to pull out that Gopher...
Well, y'all keep your wool dry!
The Ewe

Quote of the Day: Ewe's Friend: "Boy, those shoes are odiferous!" Ewe's Friend's 5 year old Lamby: "Yeah! And they stink, too!"

1 comment:

Lisa-Anne said...

Hey! I heard you can vacuum up those ladybugs and thats about all you can do... they are not the nice kind we had growing up but some asian version or something... but you gotta watch out, they can start to stink!! I know a lot of folks in your area have been plagued with them for a couple of years now!
I love you, praying the ladybugs will make a hasty departure and go live in the garden instead!